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get the mirror delivered free to your door for six weeks high end replica bags Now that he was once again among the mortals, Pelops, who had become extremely handsome, met and fell in love with Hippodamia. There was just one little problem, she was the daughter of King Oenomaus, and he had received a prophecy that he would be killed by his son in law. Not wanting this to happen, the king forced every suitor for his daughter's hand beat him in a chariot race. Of the nearly twenty men who sought to marry Hippodamia, thirteen of them died racing against her father. Pelops accepted the challenge, but despite his training as a boy, he called upon Poseidon to help him win. Poseidon presented Pelops with a chariot pulled by two pegasi. Pelops went even further to ensure his victory. He went to Myrtilus, the chariot driver of Oenomaus. Myrtilus just happened to be the son of Hermes and agreed to a plan with a fellow demigod. The plan was to have Myrtilus sabotage the king's chariot b...